Pre-order Waraji (草鞋) longsleeve Rashguard / Limited edition

Waraji (草鞋) longsleeve Rashguard
We proudly present our first limited edition themed longsleeve Rashguard. The Waraji (草鞋) series, a limited edition series of only 35 pieces.
Available in sizes S,M,L,XL,XXL LIMITED EDTION 35 PIECES // 12 PIECES LEFT OF 35
It will be manufacted by, and exclusively sold by our 100% partner BJJ Fightgear.
Some cool info on the Waraji (草鞋) Rashguard serie
- Waraji (草鞋) are japanse sandals slippers made from straw rope, and was footwear wear by the common people.
- The letter logo at the back in the neck.
- Ninja Jiu Jitsu in japanese characters on the sword.
- Our logo on the sleeve with the text Watch your back
- Waraji (草鞋) yellow japanse characters on the lower left bottom front of the rashguard.
- BJJninja`s with the shuriken on the other sleeve.
How to pre- order reserve ?
- E-mail to with subject pre-order BJJNinjas rashguard Waraji (草鞋). Wit your full name, adress, they amount, and rashguard size.
- When the pre-order is officialy online at BJJ Fightgear. com you will recive an e-mail, so you can than pre-rder and pay for it. So by reserving your pre-order you are sure that you will have a piece.
Cost Price
Between €30 – 35 euro`s (excluding sending costs, see prices for that here) For any questions you can e-mail to
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